Capertee Valley.

Christmas in Hawaii.

Christmas in Hawaii

Please join us for Christmas in Hawaii - a Valley-wide event on Saturday 7 December from 4.30pm at Glen Davis Hall.


Meat on a spit, music, raffle and lots more. BYO Drinks. Catch up with friends old and new.


Tickets need to be purchased in advance online at []( or via the QR code and in person (and direct transfer) from Wayne on 0418652654.


Further information, please contact Wayne on 0418652654 or Debbie on 0409316926.


We look forward to seeing you there.

A picture with a bright yellow background a coconut tree on the left, hibiscus flowers on the right and Santa lazin with a tropical drink and hawaiin shirt and shorts and high length boots. It has the wording “A whole community event organised by members of the Community associations of Glen Davis, Glen Alice, Capertee Progress and Capertee valley Landcare. Christmas in Hawaii picture at the Glen Davis Hall. Saturday 7th December 2024. 4.30pm onwards. Members $25 + A salad/desert (Non members $35 + salad/desert. Tickets must be purchased in Advance online in person. Dress Hawaii style. Meat on a spit, music, raffle and lots more, BYO drinks. Have a catch up with friends old and new. Members refers to members of any of the groups presenting the event and includes family members aged 15 and over.” There is also QR code for registration as well.